Blockchain Conference Group Portrait

The Wharton Cryptogovernance Workshop is an interdisciplinary effort to share knowledge, build common understandings, and develop conceptual solutions for blockchain networks and digital assets. It provides a neutral forum to bring together regulators, academics, technologists, attorneys, entrepreneurs, and investors from around the world.

Activities we organize include:

  • The Reg@Tech Workshop, a biannual meeting of global regulators and legal experts to discuss financial regulatory challenges for cryptocurrencies and blockchain-based systems.
  • The Blockchain Governance Assessment tool, a standard instrument to evaluate the governance practices and philosophies of blockchain networks and applications.
  • The Cryptogovernance Roundtable, a gathering of experts in summer 2019 to identify principles for the governance of blockchain-based projects, platform and consortia.
  • A curated reading list of blockchain governance resources.
  • Research to identify new solutions to the challenges of blockchain regulation and governance.

The project is hosted by Professor Kevin Werbach of the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania, with an international group of collaborators. We are eager to coordinate with other groups working on similar topics.